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Biochemistry ♦ Dr. U. Satyanarayana

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Biochemistry ♦ Dr. U. Satyanarayana Empty Biochemistry ♦ Dr. U. Satyanarayana

Mensaje  Manfenix Dom Jun 30, 2013 4:39 pm

Biochemistry ♦ Dr. U. Satyanarayana Bioche10

Table of Contents
Chemical Constituents of Life
1. Biomolecules and the cell
2. Carbohydrates
3. Lipids
4. Proteins and amino acids
5. Nucleic acids and nucleotides
6. Enzymes
7. Vitamins

Physiological Biochemistry
8. Digestion and absorption
9. Plasma proteins
10. Hemogloabin and porphyrins
11. Biological oxidation

12. Introduction to metabolism
13. Metabolism of carbohydrates
14. Metabolism of lipids
15. Metabolism of amino acids
16. Intgration of metabolism
17. Metabolism of nucleotides
18. Mineral metabolism

Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition
19. Hormones
20. Organ functions tests
21. Water, electrolyte and acid-base balance
22. Tissue protein and body fluids
23. Nutrition

Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
24. DNA-replication, recombination and repair
25. Transcription and translation

26. Regulation of gene expression
27. Recombination DNA and biotechnology

Current Topics
28. Human genome project
29. Gene therapy
30. Bioinformatics
31. Metabolism of xenobiotics (detoxification)
32. Prostaglandins and related compounds
33. Biological membranes and transport
34. Free radicals and antioxidants
35. Environmental biochemistry
36. Insulin, glucose homeostasis and diabetes mellitus
37. Cancer
38. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrom(AIDS)

Basics to Learn Biochemistry
39. Introduction to biorganic chemistry
40. Overview of biophysical chemistry
41. Tools of biochemistry
42. lmmunology
43. Genetics

Answers to Self-assessment Exercises
I Abbreviations used in this book
II Greeak alphabets
III OriginS of important biochemical words
IV Common confusables in biochemistry
V Practical biochemistry-principles
VI Clinical biochemistry laboratory

Biochemistry ♦ Dr. U. Satyanarayana Botan_11
Contraseña: Avibert

Mensajes : 3440
Fecha de inscripción : 20/03/2010
Localización : Argentina


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Biochemistry ♦ Dr. U. Satyanarayana Empty Re: Biochemistry ♦ Dr. U. Satyanarayana

Mensaje  Manfenix Lun Feb 22, 2021 12:02 am

Enlace reparado
Biochemistry ♦ Dr. U. Satyanarayana Mujer-10

Mensajes : 3440
Fecha de inscripción : 20/03/2010
Localización : Argentina


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